Shining Blogs of the Day


Now is the time to be more nurturing to yourself. Use universal precautions. Take breaks. Get outside. Breathe in the fresh air. Move your body. Go for a walk. Notice the buds on the trees. Nature is going on around us, regardless of the virus. Notice the grass turning green as spring is upon us. Eat your meals. Get enough sleep. Read a new book. FaceTime with family members or friends. Watch a funny movie. Laugh. Laugh. Laugh! It really IS the best medicine. You can’t be anxious when you are laughing. It’s good for the body, spirit and soul!


We can’t completely control the many thoughts that go through our minds each day, but we can decide where to focus our attention. You can look at things in a negative light, or you can find the positives, however trivial they may seem. For instance, this could be hitting us in the dead of winter when, especially in the north, we are also dealing with bitter cold and snow. Being spring, we are better able to get outside and stay there! Be grateful for the fact that your kids can sleep in a bit and you don’t have to do the early morning run out of the house bit! Appreciate the fact that you have the opportunity to continue to do your job when there are others who can’t. We can’t control everything, but we can adjust our attitudes.


Now is the time to be more nurturing to yourself. Isolation or quarantine is a great time to prioritize your mental and physical well-being, but if you also want to use it to be productive, you have plenty of historical role models to choose from. I don’t have writers block or anything, but pandemic block is more like it. Thoughts of the virus are crowding my mind, and every time I start or try to start a new piece, my mind strays to the offending germs and I land up checking social media for the latest count, which does nothing to assuage my fears.


Hobby is an activity which a person regularly engages in because of his interest in it. A hobby can be meaningful as well as something leisurely. Many people have painting as a hobby. So do I. I have always been keen of painting ever since my childhood. When I first began painting and started developing interest in it, I had never thought that it would turn out to become such a huge passion of mine. I now know the importance of having a hobby. A hobby may at times be a hidden passion of a person. You just need to pursue your hobby so as to discover if it really is your passion or not.